Idiogram are a genre-defying quartet from Scotland. Their music fuses influences from post-prog, rock, electronic, ambient and classical. Moods and emotions swing wildly between dense, melodramatic bombast and sparse, ambient void-gazing – unpredictable yet eloquent. Unconstrained by convention or expectation, and reflecting a shared love of the weird and the beautiful, the result is a compelling and rewarding musical journey.
Fuelled by an ethos of total collaboration, Idiogram create unexpected and liberating music. Bass, drums, keyboards and guitar interface with digital processing and combine to form a sound that is equally technological and organic, occasionally confusing, and oceanic in scale.
Five years in the making, punctuated by new life, loss and a global pandemic, the band’s debut album Reunion of Broken Parts weaves a melodic path for the listener — a captivating journey that is ever on the edge of breakdown or collapse. Creatively ambitious and threaded with field recordings, samples, and soundscapes, the album delivers fully on its own designation: a meeting of experiences, ideas and inspirations, all combined with their shared values at its heart.
Idiogram are Lesley Crawford (Piano, Keys), Ali Gillies (Bass), Ali Kilpatrick (Guitar) and Keith Kirkwood (Drums).